FPC Hope Center
"Navigating the challenges of early adulthood."

What is the FPC Hope Center?
The FPC Hope Center is a nonprofit whose mission is to assist young adults in success-fully transitioning out of foster care by providing a safe and supportive space and connection to a caring network of supports, services, and partners.
Who will the Center serve?
FPC Hope Center’s target population is 18 to 25 year olds who have aged out of foster/kinship care.
The Center will also provide trainings in such areas as life skills, financial planning, and study skills in addition to resources for professional tutoring and needed education supplies. Based on the young adult’s interest, the Center will establish a professional network of employers and job shadowing opportunities.

In West Virginia, 229 youth aged out of the foster care system in 2021. West Virginia leads the nation for the number of children per capita in foster care. In 2023 there were 6,369 children in state care.

Why is the FPC Hope Center’s mission important?
Young adults who have aged out of care experience more trauma than their counter parts who have a family support network.
They are:
• More likely to attempt or commit suicide
• More likely to become an addict
• More likely to experience depression
• More likely to end up homeless
• More likely to experience an unplanned pregnancy
• More likely to be unemployed
• More likely to drop out of school
How will FPC Hope Center put its mission to work?
FPC Hope Center will create a network of responsible mentors to support the young adults aging out of foster care, giving them the opportunity to realize their greatest potential and shape a successful future.
Research has shown that former foster young adults who can rely on an ongoing, committed relationship with an adult fare better in navigating the challenges of early adulthood. They tend to persist in education, remain employed, and participate more fully in their communities as adults.

Board Members
FPC Hope Center Board of Directors:
• Rebecca Ceperley, President
• Julia Kesler, Vice President
• Laura Stewart, Secretary
• Melvin Jones, Treasurer
• Taylor Raab, Member
• Scott Kaminski, Member
• Raymona Kinnenberg, Member
• Errol Randle, Member
• Fenway Pollack, Member
• Carol Phipps, Member
• Lora Reynolds, Administrative Assistant